Evoke flavours of the Middle East with these nutty, syrup-soaked cakes, decorated with edible rose petals. They're a great bite-sized treat to take to...
Bake an unforgettable crumble by giving each element a little TLC and choose the topping ingredients to taste. Serve with hot custard, or chilled fresh...
Tahini gives this cake a subtle nutty flavour that partners perfectly with rich chocolate. This recipe makes 2 cakes, so why not freeze one as a treat...
If your bananas are on the verge of being overripe, peel them, pop them in an airtight container and freeze them to make this delicious dessert, quick...
This chocolate cake is made entirely in a mug. It requires no weighing, takes 45 seconds to cook and has a melty chocolate centre, perfect for a quick...
Make our vegan tiffin squares as a festive treat, packed with Christmas ingredients like ginger nuts, dried cranberries and pistachios. They're great for...
Transform a stale loaf into a comforting bread and butter pudding. This traditional British dessert is layered with a rich vanilla custard, dried fruit...
These delicious chocolate mug cakes are quick and easy to make, perfect for a dose of indulgence in a flash. Serve with cream or a scoop of vanilla ice...
Pack in the fruit with these fun rainbow lollies, made with mango, banana, kiwi and berries. If you want a more vivid colour, add food colouring to the...
Transform a stale loaf into a comforting bread and butter pudding. This traditional British dessert is layered with a rich vanilla custard, dried fruit...